week was slow with appointments, but it went really fast. Tis' the
season for Christmas parties. And church activities are great because it
really breaks down walls that people have with church members and it
shows that we are normal people. Thats something that I miss about
Hawai'i, great parties. Here there good, but their down in an hour and
no body just gets up and starts singing. But they are still good.
(the last one)
Core Belief #5: I will let the Sacrament change me each week as I renew
my covenants with the Lord and use it to access the Atonement.
core belief is very important. Because the Sacrament is very important.
I have the opportunity to take the Sacrament three times some Sundays.
Because I take the Sacrament so often it's easy to think of it just as
another thing that I have to do, but I feel like its a time for me to
internalize the meaning of it. I've always known that the Sacrament is
important and I've always felt the difference between the weeks that I
haven't be able to renew my covenants and the weeks I have.
is so easy for us to forget to make the Sacrament a spiritual
experience each week. Cherly Esplin said in Oct. 2014 general
"The sacrament becomes a spiri tually strengthening experienc e when we listen to the sacram ent prayers and recommit to ou r covenants. To do this, we mu st be willing to take upon us the name of Jesus Christ. 2 Sp eaking of this promise, Presid ent Heny B. Eyring taught: “ That means we must see ourselv es as His. We will put Him fir st in our lives. We will want what He wants rather than what we want or what the world tea ches us to want.”3
have never felt the changing effect of the Atonement so much until my
mission. There are things that I need to fix and that is how I am being
forgiven if I'm trying to better. And then there are things that I need
help with and that is how the Atonement helps me to be better and
strengthens me in my weaknesses.
I am grateful that we have that opportunity to come closer to our Savior.
I love you all!
Sister Swain :)
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