So it was a pretty good week. We had lots of teaching
opportunities and we picked a new investigator! That's two weeks in a
row! So awesome. Unfortunately she can't get baptized because she is an
exchange student from Thailand. She is so sweet, and she loves
church, young womens and she loved meeting with us last night. Even if
she doesn't get baptized here I know that she'll get baptized when she
gets home and build the church up there. We had a great lesson with our
other investigator. We are really excited about her, we just need to get
her to church. That's always a struggle. Other than that, its been
really good. The wards are catching on to the spirit of missionary work
and they just love having sister missionaries! We love that they love
sister missionaries.
It has been cold. It snowed on Saturday,
but not too much and then we've been walking around in 20 degree
weather. (Not my favorite thing.) I feel like it's colder here in
Herriman than in Kearns. (where I was last winter)
Well this week we studied, Core Belief #2: I will be a Preach My Gospel Missionary and be exactly obedient to the missionary handbook
my whole mission I've heard be a preach my gospel missionary. So, I
thought okay I will study and apply preach my gospel and try my hardest
to memorize some parts. Well our mission president gave us a talk from
Elder Bednar. He talks about what it means to become a preach my gospel
missionary. Finally some one is telling me what it means.
"A Preach My Gospel Missionary is a servant of the Lord, called by prophecy and authorized by the laying on of hands." So as a PMG Missionary I remember my calling and that I remember that I have authority from God.
He continues on and tells us the requirements to become a Preach my gospel missionary...
"1. Understand that they serve and represent Jesus Christ
2. Are worthy
3. Treasure up the words of eternal life.
4. Understand the Holy Ghost is the ultimate and true teacher
5. Understand teaching is much more than talking and telling."
are things that I am definitely working on every day, and I hope
we are all working on. I want to remind you that Preach My Gospel is for
all of us! It is something that we can all use and we all should use
and that can bless our lives if we study it. I don't have much time, but
I am grateful for the tools that I have been given to do the Lords
work. I know that I need to be better at using it.
I love you, thank you for the prayers!
-Sister Swain
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